14th NEWSLETTER-August 2022

The Region of Western Macedonia – Regional Unit of Kastoria, through cultural and sports events, actively participates in supporting actions that highlight the cultural heritage and natural beauty of the place, aiming at the integrated tourism development of our Region

The first Art Colony in Kastoria!

A new innovative action will be carried out by the Municipality of Kastoria from 29 August to 4 September 2022, aiming to promote our region and strengthen the artistic activity of the place in the field of visual arts.

This is the creation of a new institution, the Art Colony Kastoria, which will essentially be a creative workshop with reference to the natural environment and the monuments of the Municipality of Kastoria.

Students and graduates of art schools from all over Greece will participate in the Colony, who will be hosted in Kastoria in order to be inspired by our land, collect their materials and at the end of the programme deliver and present their own unique work.

With the theme “Deconstruction of Art Materials”, the participants will visit various areas of the Municipality, such as the Plinthoktista of Korestia, the Gorge of Koromilia and Omorfoklisia, with daily excursions and will come in contact with different natural materials, understanding the ways they can incorporate them into their works as an alternative and ecological form of art.

The natural beauty and the monuments of Kastoria were an inspiration for the young artists to start creating their works, while in the work shop that includes the programme they have the opportunity to learn about techniques and ways of processing materials

Thematic event in Korestia

The Society for the Preservation of Historical Archives of Macedonia 1940-1974 dedicates this year’s 14th Thematic Event to Korestia, the ‘brick villages of oblivion’, as they have rightly been characterized, in order to highlight their unique architectural and structural peculiarities, as well as their historical load and their path in the vortex of modern Greek history.

  They organized an event on Saturday 27 August, at 6.30 p.m. in the hall of the Municipal Council of Kastoria, on the topic Korestia: space, memory, history, in order for renowned historians and authors to present their studies on the architectural heritage of the area and the impact of historical events on the evolution of Korestia. The event followed a guided tour of the Korestia of Kastoria, on Sunday 28 August, 10.30 a.m.

River Party at Nestorio  4/08/2022-7/08/2022

The great institution returns in a dynamic way. The country’s most beloved, largest and most historic camping festival opens its doors this Wednesday and is ready to welcome visitors with this year’s fantastic line up and parallel activities! Check out all the information and latest news on the official event page. Have fun this year too!

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