Building a new self-service tourist info point – Touchscreen Kiosk – in National Park “Bredhi Drenoves” area
To provide an adequate and comprehensive information to the visitor through the implementation of a Touchscreen Info Kiosk providing information on the natural heritage and cultural heritage sites located within the National Park, paragliding experience offered at Morava, tourist route/trip planner advice, etc., including tips for Korca and Kastoria areas as a single destination. The Kiosk also will provide information regarding the mini bus schedule (shuttle service) towards Kastoria’s “Limneos Ikismos” site. The info point will also be equipped with leaflets, information, maps, timing for every group organizer, information regarding where to sleep, where to eat, and entertainments options located in close proximity to both areas. Relevant training for the staff will be provided for the efficient and effective maintenance service for the self-service tourist info point at National Park.
Development of an innovative mobile app for National Park ‘Bredhi i Drenoves’ area
Development of an ICT solution – a modern and innovative mobile app for National Park ‘Bredhi i Drenoves’ area – including markings of various touristic sites, small businesses, culture and natural heritage points, attractions to serve as ‘Bredhi Drenoves’ digital pocket guide. The Mobile Application will include marking of all touristic sites, culture and natural heritage points, attractions, local small businesses, ect.
The App will be equiped with location-based technologies and designed to provide quick solutions based on location of the site and proximity from the user. This includes also an interactive “on the-go”, filter-based navigation map across cultural heritage sites, adapted for traveller’s mobility. Each cultural heritage site will be illustrated through a rich proprietary photo gallery, official textual content and practical and detailed information. The visitors will be able to download the app through the free wi-fi point at the entrance of the park and use the app in its offline mode. The smartphone app will be supported both by iOS and Android systems. The same app in its adapted version will be used for the Self-service Touchscreen Info Kiosk.
Development of a 3D augmented reality tool for National Park ‘Bredhi i Drenoves’
Development of an All-project Communication Hub – Design and development of the Project’s Website in three languages: ENG, GR and AL. Cooperate with project partners in development of Website content. Gather, assemble, process and publish website content information from project partners. Cross collaboration with Project Partners for publishing all project relating activities, reports and relevant information to project stakeholders and general public. The communication hub will be utilized as a tool for management of launch and post-launch activities, regularly updating the programme’s website useful also for other potential beneficiaries, Linkages with other projects in the tourism field/ working in the same geographical areas/ sharing similar goals.
Explore Activities
Preservation and Rehabilitations of 4 Cultural Heritage Sites
Two Joint Public Cross-Border Events
A Music Festival The event is foreseen…
Delivering a Comprehensive Management Tourism Plan and Sustainability Strategy
The project will develop a new Tourist…
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