Two Joint Public Cross-Border Events

A Music Festival

The event is foreseen to be held in the city of Kastoria, Greece. It will gather under a single joint music event select artists and performers from both countries. The main aim is to increase visibility and promote the unique cultural and natural heritage sites of significant importance across the border. The ultimate goal is to inspire visitation amongst domestic and international travellers. The festival period will be combined with a full 3-day tourist package that has visitors attend both primary locations and other cultural and natural heritage sites on the way thereby encouraging tourists visiting National Park “Bredhi i Drenoves” to visit the Music festival in Kastoria. Musicians will be invited to perform at the Festival. 

Among the proposed dates is May 12, which coincides with the date of the hiking race that takes place in Kastoria – in an effort to merge various existing Hiking Routes and Hiking/ Racing events under a common cross-border framework. Ensure a broad participation from both countries including project partners, stakeholders, representatives of Local/central government, local tour guides, project collaborators, ongoing tourism project’s representatives, tourism experts, etc. The event will provide an opportunity to obtain photo and video footage to use for promotion and publicity purposes.

A Paragliding Competition

The event is predicted to be held in the city of Korça, Albania while is envisioned as an opportunity to inaugurate the newly reconstructed Paragliding point at Morava mountain – a key site of intervention of AuthentiKK project. The competition will gather participation from professional paragliders from Albania and Greece test it out while competing with each other. It will ensure a broad participation from both countries including project partners, stakeholders, representatives of Local/central government, local tour guides, project collaborators, ongoing tourism projects’ representatives, tourism experts, etc. The event will provide an opportunity to obtain photo and video footage to use for promotion and publicity purposes.

Note: The dates for the event will be decided upon jointly by the partners during Planning and Preparation Activities stage and with high considerations of Covid -19 developments.

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