Project Outputs

The main tangible solutions to be developed in the framework of AuthentiKK project are the following:

  1. Four Cultural Heritage sites preserved, rehabilitated and improved including:

Located in Korce Region

National Park Bredhi i Drenoves

Morava Mountain Paragliding point

Located in Kastoria Region;

Mountain Theater and the pre-historic settlement

‘Limneous Ikismos’ – Two joint public cross-border activities – a Music 

  1. Festival  and a Paragliding Competition
  2. Innovative ICT products, including use of 3d augmented reality tools and bi-lingual audio-guide solutions; 
  3. Development of AuthentiKK tourism product and a Comprehensive Tourism Destination Management Plan

Essential intangible impacts:

1) the closer intercultural cooperation and integration between the two regions;

2) increased awareness about the authenticity of the region by offering modern and innovative solutions to tackle the problem of underdevelopment and unattractiveness;

3) improved infrastructure and accessibility;

4) boosting of local economy by extending the length of stay of the visitors.

AuthentiKK tourist product will not only increase the incoming traffic of visitors to each area individually and extend their stay in each area, but also create opportunities for an exchange of visitor traffic in the whole cross-border region boosting the local economy in the process.

The tourist traffic in the selected cultural and natural heritage monuments will increase due to better accessibility as a result of repair works but also implementation of innovative solutions as well as the cultural activities such as the Music Festival and the Paragliding Competition that are expected to take place every year. The number of visitors in Korce sites will increase by 100% and will be measured by the number of app downloads and participants of the Paragliding Competition. The number of visitors in Kastoria sites will increase by 25% and will be measured through official statistics of museum visits for pre-historic settlement. The diversification of the tourist offering at the impacted sites will raise the length of stay (overnight stays) in each location. A number of app downloads is set to reach 4,000 in total in two years.  

Heritage preservation and promotion is certain to become a trend and a model to follow and lead to the further development. CB region will see economic growth as a result of intervention carried out in the framework of the AuthentiKK CB project and will be able to become an example to follow for other communities.

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